Sunday, November 22, 2015

The place where the light enters

The wound is the place where the light enters ~ Rumi 

There has been a lot of love in this house lately. A lot of talk about 
what  we love and what we like - the things that make our house a home and 
our family feel secure. 
The other night while I was putting her little sister to bed, Miss P snuck around the house leaving sticky notes with positive affirmations to be found  in the morning. 
She left them on the mirrors and by the front door - places where we would see them and be reminded that, we are "Be-you-tiful" and "awesome". Encouraging us to "create something", to "be yourself", to "be kind" and that we "are loved". 

There is something both humbling and rewarding to see the beautiful light within my children, shining outward from a place where there was once a heaviness of heart and a quiet sadness. 
I feel ever grateful and blessed to have a home in which their feelings and emotions can be freely expressed and shared . 
A place where joy and encouragement are spontaneously and lovingly displayed, where I too am reminded, in case I ever foolishly forget, to speak with love, kindness and encouragement. 
To choose positive expressions of love in the smallest of ways on the most ordinary of days and to know that this is the foundation of all things.  

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